Adult Secrets, Truths & Horrors
Adult Secrets, Truths & Horrors Podcast
Improve Online Traffic by Piggy Backing Serial Killing News

Improve Online Traffic by Piggy Backing Serial Killing News

When a new serial killer is named, everyone wants to know where the killing field is located. The traffic this news creates can help us to improve our own online presence.

When Ted Bundy was news in the 70s, or the I-95 Killer known as Gary Ray Bowles did his thing in the 90s, or even the as-yet-unidentified Smiley Face Killer in the present, spines shivered.

People take notice whenever these names are mentioned. Their names are like gold.

That’s because people want to know who was being killed, why they were being killed and how the victim died — so that they knew it was not them who died at the hands of a merciless killer.

Nice. It’s called self-preservation — a normal thing. A valuable thing.

Staying away from killers is good.

Dying is bad.

What else is good is eye-catching headlines, keywords and hashtags. Aligning all the right text in the right post with the right hashtags at the right time will ensure a traffic stream like no other. It’s guaranteed to draw immediate attention. You’ll get everything you want and nothing you don’t — except for those trolls who think you’re piggybacking off a serial killer’s infamy just to score yourself some free points in the social media market.

What do they know about that? What do they know about murder?

They are alive and well.

They should be thankful that they weren’t the killer’s target and have the opportunity to sit at a keyboard and pass a comment, any comment like that. They are at liberty to write what they like and then escape into the masses as though they can’t be identified or located afterwards. They feel free to live life as they choose to.

Yes, they are free but only to a certain point. Life isn’t forever. At some point, death will find them. It will go looking for them.

Everyone dies and, without a dramatic ending to conclude a life, death is typically boring. There is no traffic to be gained if they are to die a natural death. Why don’t we spice it up a bit and do a search for those so-called free souls to help… free their souls?

Start with the one who has the most followers. Their death is sure to attract more traffic than a social nobody. It will add instant fuel to the fire when the news cycle begins its process.

After all, that’s where it starts — and we need both to work together if we’re to make things happen.

Here’s a better idea.

Why don’t we spice it up a bit and play the role of victim instead?

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In this influencer-lead, narcissistic world, we should consider fronting up to our local people-butcher ourselves. We can have them, and their special type of carnage do us proud by filming our disembowlement. We can post a selfie during our demise while wearing our entrails as a hat. Think about it. Our social media following will sail up to the stratosphere with a picture like that.

What a social send-off that would be!

If you’d like to raise your social profile and die for, say, some virtue-signalling cause, please leave your email address here and someone will get back to you soon. You and your bloody entrails hat may be the next social media sensation you’re looking for!

Adult Secrets, Truths & Horrors
Adult Secrets, Truths & Horrors Podcast
Murder. Sex. Justice served. The darkest sides of adult life in one place. Some of it is politically correct, but much of it is not. All of it is adult-only.